Due to limitations of COVID-19, Trail maintenance work parties will resume with some restrictions.
We will work in smaller groups, refrain from sharing tools, wear face masks, and follow distancing guidelines.
Volunteers are expected to demonstrate safe behavior during the event:
a. Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms in a way that is not normal for you: shortness of breath, cough, or difficulty breathing?
b. Have you been diagnosed with or is suspected of having COVID-19?
C. Have you had contact with anyone that you know has been diagnosed with COVID-19?
Contact is defined as being within 6 feet (2 meters) for more than 15 minutes with a person, or having direct contact with infectious fluids from a person with confirmed COVID-19 (for example being coughed or sneezed on).
If your condition changes, and you experience the above symptoms, or suspect that you may have been exposed to COVID 19, we ask that you err of the side of caution and stay home.
- Bring/wear your own cloth face mask, work gloves, hand sanitizer, and hard hat if you have one. (If you don’t, we can provide one.)
- Carpooling with anyone other than members of the same household or bubble is discouraged.
- Use proper respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes with the inside/elbow of the arm, and avoid touching the face.
- Maintain at least six feet of space between individuals at all times.
- Tool sharing will not be allowed. If you have your own tools, feel free to bring them.
- You will be assigned specific tasks and locations on the trail (when possible) to ensure that people can maintain a safe distance while working.
- CHC will sanitize tools and hard hats at the conclusion of each work party.
a. Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms in a way that is not normal for you: shortness of breath, cough, or difficulty breathing?
b. Have you been diagnosed with or is suspected of having COVID-19?
C. Have you had contact with anyone that you know has been diagnosed with COVID-19?
Contact is defined as being within 6 feet (2 meters) for more than 15 minutes with a person, or having direct contact with infectious fluids from a person with confirmed COVID-19 (for example being coughed or sneezed on).
If your condition changes, and you experience the above symptoms, or suspect that you may have been exposed to COVID 19, we ask that you err of the side of caution and stay home.
To join us, please complete and submitt the form below. Wear hiking or work boots - preferably the kind that protect your ankles. Long pants are also necessary, even in hot weather. More details about what we'll be working on, and where we'll be meeting will be emailed to you a few days before this event. If a work party is marked as "WAITLIST", we have reached the limit for this work party, but sometimes our volunteers have a change of plans. If you’d like to be on the waitlist for this day, feel free to follow the usual signup process, and we will be in touch if a spot opens up at the last minute. Thanks! If you have any questions, feel free to drop an email to [email protected].